Thursday, February 28, 2019

March 1

Pre Kindergarten working cooperatively to create a cool colored mural.


Kindergarten also used warm and cool colors this week.

First graders glazed their heart shaped coil pots and they are ready for the kiln.

Second graders create an underwater scene in clay.


Fifth graders are learning weaving techniques working on their cardboard looms.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

HCA Auction Class Projects

Nursery 2 and 3 Marble Painted Hearts

PK Hand print Heart Canvas

Kindergarten  School of Fish

First Grade Reach for the Stars

 Second Grade Cupcakes

Third Grade Neighborhood

Fourth Grade Bird Collage

 Fifth Grade Warhol Hand Prints

Sixth Grade HCA

 Seventh Grade    Name Collage

Eighth Grade   Splatter Paint Canvas

Friday, February 8, 2019

February 8


Kindergarten students glazed their clay coil hearts this week.


Second Graders worked with their partner to create 6 values of the color red to paint their Valentine Value project.


Fourth Graders created tints and shades of one color for their Op Art hearts.

Eighth Graders are painting their Cubist Guitars as they study Picasso's impact on 20th century art.

Friday, February 1, 2019

February 1

The Pre K enjoyed making snow sculptures this week.

Kindergarten students are using hearts to create patterns.


The Third Graders painted underwater murals for the Lower School Ocean Unit.


Second Graders created the fish for the Third Graders mural.


The Fifth Grade Native American storytellers finally came out of the kiln.

Victoria shared her Great Grandfather's World War I helmet with her social studies class!