Friday, February 28, 2020

February 28


Pre Kindergarten artists are exploring cool and warm colors. They used cool colors to paint an ocean and warm colors to paint their fish.



Fourth Graders are using many values of the color green to create a jungle landscape after learning about the work of French artist Henri Rousseau.


The Fifth Graders constructed 3D human figures with plaster craft and are finishing up the details with paint, fabric, and yarn.

Friday, February 21, 2020

February 21

Auction Class Projects

Pre Kindergarten
Fingerprint HCA Canvas

Planter of Flowers

First Grade
Heart and Hands Puzzle

Second Grade
Lego Frame

Third Grade
Tiled Frame

Fourth Grade
Heart Tiles

Fifth Grade
HCA String Art

Sixth Grade
Name Tiles

Seventh Grade
Collage Flag

Eighth Grade
HCA on a Blackboard Frame

Friday, February 14, 2020

February 14


Kindergarten students create heart sculptures using colorful paper strips.


First graders are working hard on heart shaped coil pots.


Second graders continue their study of value by creating 6 tints of red for their heart paintings.

Friday, February 7, 2020

February 7

Pre Kindergarten  practices their gluing with heart shapes.


Kindergarten practices their tracing with heart shapes.


First Graders looked at how artists paint trees in the winter.


Fourth Graders used tints and shades of one color to create OP ART hearts.